Now, there are certain things that you just don’t do. Inviting a known pedophile who is a registered sex offender to provide the entertainment at a 4 year olds birthday party is one, playing hide the remote control with your mates bird is another, steeling money from a Barnardos collection pot at your local bakery is definitely a no-no; and standing on stage in front of thousands in Germany whilst singing a known Nazi anthem is something that you should never do. Now, thankfully I haven’t done any of the above, but I know a man who has.
The Babyshambles front man took to the stage and sang the first stanza of Das Deutschlandlied. Now, although the third stanza is now Germany's national anthem, the first stanza is considered demonstration of far-right sympathies. The crowd booed so loud that Doherty was removed from the festival and sent on his way.
A statement was released through one of Doherty’s spokesman which said that he "was unaware of the controversy surrounding the German national anthem and he deeply apologises if he has caused any offence".
Was it bad luck, or was it stupidity? Who knows. But what I am sure about is Doherty’s German fan base may have dwindled slightly.