Mr Champion, AKA Dev Hynes, has spoken out about his resolution to put social media, TV and just about anything else to one side to consecrate on clefs and quavers. He told Spinner; "I decided that in every gap in the week that I found myself sitting down, or watching TV or waiting for tea to brew or logging on to Facebook, I would write and record a song instead," Hynes then went onto explain on his blog. "[I'd do it] without any real thought ... by making words up essentially as I went along”. And done that he’s done in abundance.
Hynes is set to release 50 bootleg albums that he’s written over the past 2 years. "Some, I would say, are awful ... But mostly I find it all interesting. It's an experiment. Even some that I don't like particularly, I like the idea behind it”. It should be known that the bootleg series has nothing to do with Hynes second proper album, Life is Sweet! Nice to Meet You, which is due to drop in February.
The first bootleg album is available to download now; aptly titled House Sitting Songs, the album was written during Mr Champion’s extended stay in Manhattan as he was house sitting for a fellow musician. Hynes spoke on his blog; "The person in question was a musician and had a couple guitars lying around, as well as mini keyboards and drum pads for their kid to play on". So as all good musicians do he strummed, hit and pushed his way through house sitting in order to produce the House Sitting Songs.
2010 is panning out to be an interesting year for Lightspeed Champion. With 50 bootleg albums and the release of his second long player confirmed, I’ve got to say, I’m looking forward to it.